Boating accessories are for more than just fun. They can also help create a more safe and convenient boating experience. If you’re interested in learning more about boating accessories, check out this guide from the experts at Northwest Inboards. 

Extra Rope

Rope has been used on ships for centuries, and even these days it’s still a very useful piece of equipment to have. Besides just tying up your boat so that it doesn’t drift away, it can also be used for things like lashing objects down or dropping anchor.


There are several different types of anchors available on the market, though the most important thing is that your anchor has enough weight to prevent your boat from drifting. Anchors are useful when you are fishing or swimming and want to stay in the same general area. Anchors are also useful in emergency situations. After all, emergency services will have a much easier time finding you if your position isn’t changing! 

First-Aid Kit

A first-aid kit can be used to treat both minor and life-threatening injuries. You can choose to purchase a pre-packaged kit or create your own by buying medical supplies. Certain types of medical supplies can expire, so don’t forget to do a yearly check to restock and replace them. 


For a long time, having a radio aboard your boat was the best way to call for help. While these days people typically use their cell phones, having a radio around as a backup is still a good idea. This is especially true in areas where cell phone service can be spotty or nonexistent. 

Repair Kit

While you shouldn’t try to bring your whole garage out on the water with you, a basic toolkit can help you out of a tight spot. We recommend packing a wrench for loosening bolts, a jumper pack and cables for dead batteries, a flashlight to see into dark space, electrical tape to mend wires, and other basics. 

To shop our selection of boats and boat accessories, check out Northwest Inboards. Our dealership in Issaquah, Washington offers convenient access to communities like Seattle, Washington. We also offer boat parts, servicing, and financing.